Nowadays, puppy love in secondary school have stirred up a strong controversy. Some might say that there is nothing wrong with it while the other might look at it as a drastic social problem. We cannot deny the fact that most of the teenagers today have strong curiosity , they want to know and tend to try up new things including starting up a relationship eagerly. Before I dive deep into this topic, I would like to clarify that the relationship that i mean here is referring to the 'love' between the teenagers in secondary school and the topic is 'Should the students start on a relationship during their live in the secondary school?'.In my opinion, I think that students should not start on a relationship in their secondary school life.
First and foremost, most of the teenagers do not understand themselves well yet, and how can we expect them to understand their partner well? Without understand each other well before starting a relationship will just end up with breakup. Teenagers have yet to confirm what they in need in their life due to their immaturity in thinking. They still cannot be sure whether they like or love someone. In this period, teenagers tend to 'fall in love' with someone easily.
Today I might 'like' A and next week I feel that I 'love' B more. C is suitable to be my girlfriend while D is my ideal wife. So, do you think that this can be consider as they are ready for a relationship?
In addition, most of the students cannot pay attention on their study while they are in a relationship, especially at the beginning of it which most of them still feel curious about each other. They tend to stick together wherever they go and 'discuss' on whatever topics that are available from their daily live till the the neighbours' new born cats and dogs. We cannot deny that this is one of the ways to release their study tension, but what from I see is that they tend to to have million of 'fresh' topics to chat with each other all the time until they have no time for study or even touch on the topic that just taught by their teacher. They may just chat until midnight, having pillow talk is a need for those young couples. They just cannot fall asleep before chatting or sms with the other one.
Apart from that, I personally think that teenagers have yet to know their roles and responsibilities in a relationship. Most of them are still blur with what is their role as a boyfriend or girlfriend. Some might think that it is enough if he or she always hang around with their partner or turn up whenever their partner called. But the fact is that it is just a little part of the iceberg. There are still lots need to be done to be consider as a good partner.
On the other hand, some might say that the couples can exchange their knowledge and helping each other in their study. This will be kind of group study which is a good reason for them to hang out together all the time. However, normally their group study will end up with group chatting and this will cause their results drop drastically. They will just put their homework aside and go out dating as dating seem more interesting and important to them. Time will just flies and in the end the young couple cannot catch up with their studies.
Furthermore, not every teenager can handle the effect of break up well. We cannot deny that some of them will just take it easy or will just in bad mood for a day or two. However de facto is that there a lot of the teenagers will take it seriously. Some of them may even lose their self-confidence since then. They might not be in mood for weeks or months. During that period, they will also not touch their books or cannot concentrate on their study. Some of them may even take revenge on the other. If thing goes serious, he or she may even commit suicide or hurts or kills the other one.
To sum up, I think that secondary school students should not start a relationship due to they cannot understand each other well, they cannot concentrate in their study, they do not know their responsibility well and they cannot face and handle the tragedy of break up yet. A little piece of advice here is that do not start a relationship until you know each other well and be 100% sure that that guy is going to be your future spouse. Although I may seem out-dated but I think that it is one of the ways prevent tragedy takes place.
" Take each date as if it is your last, so that you know how to give;
Take each relationship as if it is your last, so that you know how to appreciate."
#please point out my spelling and grammar mistakes. comments are welcome. sorry for the mistakes.
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Monday, June 30, 2008
Hey, everyone out there. I just wanna to voice out my point of view on some topics via blogging. If you wanna post your point of view or comment on that particular topic, you are welcome to do so. By the way, I'm a novice blogger. I'm trying to improve my English level too. So, please point out my grammar mistakes and forgive me if I had said something wrong. Thanks!