After thinking for quite a long time, finally i have came out with some ideas on how to reduce our stress level. Before i dive deep into my topic today, i would like to state that one is considered as suffering from depression when one's stress level is over that of the level that one is able to tolerate with. To KISS (keep it short and simple), following are the ways that i have figured out in order to cope with the stress that we are facing with on this era with increasing competition and of course the ever increasing demands from people who we care about.
1) Exercise---jogging;brisk walk
2) Reading Non-academical Books---fiction like Harry Potter Series; non-fiction books such as those about time or stress management
3) Listening to Radio---listen to program about sharing daily stories
4) Blogging---write out all those things that you made you so stress and perhaps you will get some feedback from other blogger
5) Watching Movies---hanging out with friends at cinema
6) Playing Computer Games
7) Chatting---share all those things that make you sick with your true friends and make sure that they are those who can keep it as secret when you want it to be
KISS: they are all about carry out your own good hobby, share your stories with those you trust and also of course look better solution online or by books.
"Rest is for us to go further!"
sumMEr's pOst...
- diaRy.... (685)
- fRom mY pOiNt of viEw... (66)
- iN reTrOspEct... (32)
- sHaRiNg... (200)
- to-do-list (41)
Monday, January 26, 2009
New Year Plan
As today is the very first day for the Chinese all over the world... i would like to make myself a new year plan.. erm.. for this year, it is the first time i outline my whole year plan so clearly... really hope that everything will go as planned and i will definitely give my best to ensure i am always on the right path.
Following are my plan for this year. It is basically what i want to achieve or do in this year...
1) Pass my A-Level with flying colour (3 Edexcel gold-medal)
2) Find a great part-time job (at least enough to support my family)
3) make myself clear what come under pharmacist
4) enhance my relationship with my true friends
5) make more friends
Hopefully all my targets will be achieved.
Lastly, Happy New Year to the Chinese all over the world.. Gong xi Fa Chai!
May you be well and happy always!
Following are my plan for this year. It is basically what i want to achieve or do in this year...
1) Pass my A-Level with flying colour (3 Edexcel gold-medal)
2) Find a great part-time job (at least enough to support my family)
3) make myself clear what come under pharmacist
4) enhance my relationship with my true friends
5) make more friends
Hopefully all my targets will be achieved.
Lastly, Happy New Year to the Chinese all over the world.. Gong xi Fa Chai!
May you be well and happy always!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
what if tomorrow never come???
sunny intec com lab
I just recover from fever. When i was sick, this question came into my mind out of nowhere and i did think really hard to digest and answer it. If tomorrow never come, i, as a young man, will have lots of regret as i still have bundle of thing to be done. My beloved family members, my Noble Prise, my loved one (who have yet to meet) and...
I,personally, strongly believe that most of the teenager in this era of advance technology will never think of this. That is the prime reason why student in this century used to or perhaps love procrastinate in everything they do. Never be punctual for class, never hand in homework in time, never carry out an event on dot and so on. Slowly, procrastination has became one of the students' typical habits in this era. Playing computer games, watching movies with laptop inside his or her own room at midnight is just a norm here.
Before this magical question pop up in my mind, I was one of the 'typical student',however, after digesting that question I am looking forward in completing my daily goals on the dot or even earlier. I really worry that there will be no tomorrow for me at this lifetime. I am still a young and energetic man who basically will still have a long time to 'enjoy' but who knows what will happen to me the next minute? Or even next second? People might just trowing of rubbish from their apartment any time you walk at the pedestrian. An accident may just happen on us, may it be man-made or from the mother nature. We are just incapable of knowing exactly what will happen to us the next movement. So, why don't we make full use of every single second we have as there may just be no tomorrow for us?
i really hope that we, as a human being, will make full use of every single second that we have as we, as an ordinary people, will never know how there are still many seconds for us!
Never Procrastinate!
I just recover from fever. When i was sick, this question came into my mind out of nowhere and i did think really hard to digest and answer it. If tomorrow never come, i, as a young man, will have lots of regret as i still have bundle of thing to be done. My beloved family members, my Noble Prise, my loved one (who have yet to meet) and...
I,personally, strongly believe that most of the teenager in this era of advance technology will never think of this. That is the prime reason why student in this century used to or perhaps love procrastinate in everything they do. Never be punctual for class, never hand in homework in time, never carry out an event on dot and so on. Slowly, procrastination has became one of the students' typical habits in this era. Playing computer games, watching movies with laptop inside his or her own room at midnight is just a norm here.
Before this magical question pop up in my mind, I was one of the 'typical student',however, after digesting that question I am looking forward in completing my daily goals on the dot or even earlier. I really worry that there will be no tomorrow for me at this lifetime. I am still a young and energetic man who basically will still have a long time to 'enjoy' but who knows what will happen to me the next minute? Or even next second? People might just trowing of rubbish from their apartment any time you walk at the pedestrian. An accident may just happen on us, may it be man-made or from the mother nature. We are just incapable of knowing exactly what will happen to us the next movement. So, why don't we make full use of every single second we have as there may just be no tomorrow for us?
i really hope that we, as a human being, will make full use of every single second that we have as we, as an ordinary people, will never know how there are still many seconds for us!
Never Procrastinate!
to hold someone tightly with both arms to express love, liking or sympathy, or when greeting or leaving someone:
She saw them embrace on the station platform.
He leant over to embrace the child.
(INCLUDE) verb
to include something, often as one of a number of things:Linguistics embraces a diverse range of subjects such as phonetics and stylistics.
to accept something enthusiastically:This was an opportunity that he would embrace
to hold someone tightly with both arms to express love, liking or sympathy, or when greeting or leaving someone:
She saw them embrace on the station platform.
He leant over to embrace the child.
(INCLUDE) verb
to include something, often as one of a number of things:Linguistics embraces a diverse range of subjects such as phonetics and stylistics.
to accept something enthusiastically:This was an opportunity that he would embrace
verb foster
to take care of a child, usually for a limited time, without being the child's legal parent:
Would you consider fostering (a child)?
verb foster
to take care of a child, usually for a limited time, without being the child's legal parent:
Would you consider fostering (a child)?
having very strong feelings or emotions:
a passionate speech
a passionate kiss/embrace
The Italians are said to be the most passionate people in Europe.
The child's mother made a passionate plea for help.
Joe is passionate about baseball (= he likes it very much).
She is very passionate about promoting kindness to animals.
having very strong feelings or emotions:
a passionate speech
a passionate kiss/embrace
The Italians are said to be the most passionate people in Europe.
The child's mother made a passionate plea for help.
Joe is passionate about baseball (= he likes it very much).
She is very passionate about promoting kindness to animals.
noun [C]
1 (US USUALLY mediator) FORMAL someone who tries to help other people come to an agreement:An independent moderator should be appointed to oversee the negotiations.
2 US someone who makes certain that a formal discussion happens without problems and follows the rules:
He challenged the president to a series of TV debates. Just the two of them, with no moderator.
3 UK SPECIALIZED someone who makes certain that all the people marking an exam use the same standards:The final marks awarded for coursework will depend upon the moderator.
She was a moderator for the 2007 Global Conferenceon Buddhism.
noun [C]
1 (US USUALLY mediator) FORMAL someone who tries to help other people come to an agreement:An independent moderator should be appointed to oversee the negotiations.
2 US someone who makes certain that a formal discussion happens without problems and follows the rules:
He challenged the president to a series of TV debates. Just the two of them, with no moderator.
3 UK SPECIALIZED someone who makes certain that all the people marking an exam use the same standards:The final marks awarded for coursework will depend upon the moderator.
She was a moderator for the 2007 Global Conferenceon Buddhism.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
the phone call format
to my dearest daddy...
" how are you doing? what are you doing now? where are you? " are all those questions that i will normally be bombarded with whenever i receive your precious call... until my housemate can answer all those questions without listening at our conversation... and off course his answers come with perfectly correct orientation... at first, i really annoyed by it and even get angry about you for being so 'formal' until like they are the format to start a conversation with your only and yet disobedient son...
however, after some time, i changed my point of view totally and look at that situation from the other side of the coin... and i feel so lucky and so happy that i have a father like u...the reasons are you are so care about my safety and always worry about me...."do my son know how to take care of himself? " "do my son know how to behave himself?" "is my son studying or keep on playing computer games despite of his poor health(eyes) condition?" I believe that those are the question that run in your mind all the time. and this show that i am still a little boy from your point of view,perhaps it is acceptable to have that kind of toughs if i am being judged totally based on my action.
this shows that i have failed in assuring you that i am capable of taking care of myself. or perhaps it is merely because this is your unique way to express your concern over me. i doubt the first is true but i believe that mixture of both will be best to express the case. i cannot deny that i do not understand my beloved father well as we have almost no deep or heart-to-heart communication after all. May be i am not good at communicate with old man, just joking. Or may be there is a communication gap between us? i hope that i manage to figure out the cause in near future...
" how are you doing? what are you doing now? where are you? " are all those questions that i will normally be bombarded with whenever i receive your precious call... until my housemate can answer all those questions without listening at our conversation... and off course his answers come with perfectly correct orientation... at first, i really annoyed by it and even get angry about you for being so 'formal' until like they are the format to start a conversation with your only and yet disobedient son...
however, after some time, i changed my point of view totally and look at that situation from the other side of the coin... and i feel so lucky and so happy that i have a father like u...the reasons are you are so care about my safety and always worry about me...."do my son know how to take care of himself? " "do my son know how to behave himself?" "is my son studying or keep on playing computer games despite of his poor health(eyes) condition?" I believe that those are the question that run in your mind all the time. and this show that i am still a little boy from your point of view,perhaps it is acceptable to have that kind of toughs if i am being judged totally based on my action.
this shows that i have failed in assuring you that i am capable of taking care of myself. or perhaps it is merely because this is your unique way to express your concern over me. i doubt the first is true but i believe that mixture of both will be best to express the case. i cannot deny that i do not understand my beloved father well as we have almost no deep or heart-to-heart communication after all. May be i am not good at communicate with old man, just joking. Or may be there is a communication gap between us? i hope that i manage to figure out the cause in near future...
why i am the only one who are able to access to this blog...
rainy cmr com lab
suddenly i had decided that i will make this blog private... as i am going to jot down every part and parcel of my life here... and i do not think that it is convenient to let people know what i actually feel about certain thing or event that had happened in my small circle of life... on top of that, i am planning to write a letter to my dad as his birthday present for this year.. i shall explain more about this later...
besides that, i do not like the feeling when i found out that i am not a very friendly people who have only a few friends that really care about me and is interesting to know how do i do... it really hurts... may be it is due to my personality that make others feel that i am a hypocrite.... i had try... but....
when you guys read this blog with my permission, you one of my best friends who i am willing to share everything include my secrete with... and i really hope to be friend with you until the last breath of mine and perhaps in the following lifetime... and ya.. thanks for being a extraordinary friend and perfect friend of mine...
suddenly i had decided that i will make this blog private... as i am going to jot down every part and parcel of my life here... and i do not think that it is convenient to let people know what i actually feel about certain thing or event that had happened in my small circle of life... on top of that, i am planning to write a letter to my dad as his birthday present for this year.. i shall explain more about this later...
besides that, i do not like the feeling when i found out that i am not a very friendly people who have only a few friends that really care about me and is interesting to know how do i do... it really hurts... may be it is due to my personality that make others feel that i am a hypocrite.... i had try... but....
when you guys read this blog with my permission, you one of my best friends who i am willing to share everything include my secrete with... and i really hope to be friend with you until the last breath of mine and perhaps in the following lifetime... and ya.. thanks for being a extraordinary friend and perfect friend of mine...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
tell while we are still able to...
sunny library com lab
Last Tuesday,father of my closest friend here passed away due to heart attack...
I was shocked as his dad seem to be medically fit as i know..
those around us might leave us any time, any where.
we cannot predict when they are going to leave us,
so.. to those who we love and wish to inform them,
do so, before it is too late...
Last Tuesday,father of my closest friend here passed away due to heart attack...
I was shocked as his dad seem to be medically fit as i know..
those around us might leave us any time, any where.
we cannot predict when they are going to leave us,
so.. to those who we love and wish to inform them,
do so, before it is too late...
life, instead... extremely short....
life.. instead extremely short
none of us can state exactly how long we want to stay at the earth...
we can never be able to determine the length of our lives
yet we are able to control its depth...
we can never know how long we can be with someone
yet we appreciate every single moment with him or her...
we can never know what will happen to us tomorrow
yet we can decide what to do now...
'life is so uncertain that anything can happen at any time, so...
tell while you are still able to...
do while you are still able to...'
none of us can state exactly how long we want to stay at the earth...
we can never be able to determine the length of our lives
yet we are able to control its depth...
we can never know how long we can be with someone
yet we appreciate every single moment with him or her...
we can never know what will happen to us tomorrow
yet we can decide what to do now...
'life is so uncertain that anything can happen at any time, so...
tell while you are still able to...
do while you are still able to...'
life, instead... extremely short....
There is no time for us to waste in our lives.. instead life is extremely short.. some might have 100++ years to spend but some might just have less than a day to spend.. However, no one can estimate how many times can one can open one's eyes in the morning to observe and take part in events at wonderful world. Life is so short until we are unable to imagine how short is it...
Thus, we, as those who can still take part, have to appreciate the opportunities given and do our best in everything we involve. Be enthusiastic to everything we involve.. we should not only perform good enough to pass the target but also have to give our best as it might be the last thing we do on this life-time..
love while we are still able to...
tell while we aer still able to...
do while we aer still able to...
live at present and never procrastinate as we do not know whether there is still tomorrow for us...
never procrastinate!
may you be well and happy always!
Thus, we, as those who can still take part, have to appreciate the opportunities given and do our best in everything we involve. Be enthusiastic to everything we involve.. we should not only perform good enough to pass the target but also have to give our best as it might be the last thing we do on this life-time..
love while we are still able to...
tell while we aer still able to...
do while we aer still able to...
live at present and never procrastinate as we do not know whether there is still tomorrow for us...
never procrastinate!
may you be well and happy always!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
1. to cover a place or thing with a large amount of water
His fishing boat was swamped by an enormous wave last night.
2.(too much/big)verb If something swamps a person, system or place, they receive more of it than they can easily deal with
Foreign cars have swamped the UK market.
I'm swamped with work at the moment.
Don't let feelings of depression swamp you.
INFORMAL If clothes swamp you, they are much too big for you.
1. to cover a place or thing with a large amount of water
His fishing boat was swamped by an enormous wave last night.
2.(too much/big)verb If something swamps a person, system or place, they receive more of it than they can easily deal with
Foreign cars have swamped the UK market.
I'm swamped with work at the moment.
Don't let feelings of depression swamp you.
INFORMAL If clothes swamp you, they are much too big for you.
1. (disagree) to have difficult disagreements or fierce arguments
The residents are still tussling over the launching of that concert.
2. (fight) to fight with another person using your arms and body
Both of the teams started to tussle at the middle of the field.
3. (tussle with something) to try hard to understand or deal with a difficult idea or problem
That is a problem that we have been tussling with for many years.
1. (disagree) to have difficult disagreements or fierce arguments
The residents are still tussling over the launching of that concert.
2. (fight) to fight with another person using your arms and body
Both of the teams started to tussle at the middle of the field.
3. (tussle with something) to try hard to understand or deal with a difficult idea or problem
That is a problem that we have been tussling with for many years.
douse is a verb.
1. (stop burning) to stop a fire or light from burning or shining, especially by putting water on it or by covering it with something
Lee Chong Wei doused the fire of determined Dane Peter Gade-Christensen to reach today's final against Park Sung-hwan.
2. (make wet) to make something or someone wet by throwing a lot of liquid over them:
We watched as he doused the dustbin in/with petrol and set it alight.
1. (stop burning) to stop a fire or light from burning or shining, especially by putting water on it or by covering it with something
Lee Chong Wei doused the fire of determined Dane Peter Gade-Christensen to reach today's final against Park Sung-hwan.
2. (make wet) to make something or someone wet by throwing a lot of liquid over them:
We watched as he doused the dustbin in/with petrol and set it alight.
onslaught is a noun.
a very powerful attack
Tine Rasmussen onslaught on Wang Chen in the decider earned her a 2-1 victory.
a very powerful attack
Tine Rasmussen onslaught on Wang Chen in the decider earned her a 2-1 victory.
ferocious is an adjective.
fierce and violent
Malaysia's Lee Chong Wei survived a ferocious onslaught from Peter Gade-Christensen of Denmark to reach the men's single final of Malaysian Open yesterday.
fierce and violent
Malaysia's Lee Chong Wei survived a ferocious onslaught from Peter Gade-Christensen of Denmark to reach the men's single final of Malaysian Open yesterday.
defiant is an adjective and its base word is defy (v)
1. proudly refuse to obey authority
The protester blocking the main roads to that international airport remained defiant this morning.
2. not willing to accept criticism or disapproval
He was in defiant mood in the meeting yesterday.
1. proudly refuse to obey authority
The protester blocking the main roads to that international airport remained defiant this morning.
2. not willing to accept criticism or disapproval
He was in defiant mood in the meeting yesterday.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
past year paper check list
sunny cmr com lab
haha.. At last i complete arranging all my past year paper... but i still lack of some of the papers.. have to borrow from others.. Hopefully i can manage to obtain a better result as i should be more familiar with the exam questions and also the format by looking and doing the past year questions...
i am revising maths recently.. i had read biology text books for unit 4 and 5...
i should be able to done all the revision by middle of next month.. Really wish that i will pass my trail for A-level which comes on March 2 to March 13 with flying colour ...
Wish all those sitting for exam best of luck and may God bless you! Study smart and stay healthy!
haha.. At last i complete arranging all my past year paper... but i still lack of some of the papers.. have to borrow from others.. Hopefully i can manage to obtain a better result as i should be more familiar with the exam questions and also the format by looking and doing the past year questions...
i am revising maths recently.. i had read biology text books for unit 4 and 5...
i should be able to done all the revision by middle of next month.. Really wish that i will pass my trail for A-level which comes on March 2 to March 13 with flying colour ...
Wish all those sitting for exam best of luck and may God bless you! Study smart and stay healthy!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
why am i so stupid?
rainy cmr com lab
why am I so stupid?
trust what others say without any suspicion...
why am i so stupid?
keep on playing the same game for more than a year...
why am i so stupid?
keep on repeating the same mistake...
why am i so stupid?
keep on be friend with those who keep on teasing me on my weakness...
why am i so stupid?
keep on borrowing others belonging despite being looking down by them...
why am i so stupid?
keep on putting aside my study and concentrate on making 'friends'...
p/s please help me to replace the word stupid to more precise words... thanks!
why am I so stupid?
trust what others say without any suspicion...
why am i so stupid?
keep on playing the same game for more than a year...
why am i so stupid?
keep on repeating the same mistake...
why am i so stupid?
keep on be friend with those who keep on teasing me on my weakness...
why am i so stupid?
keep on borrowing others belonging despite being looking down by them...
why am i so stupid?
keep on putting aside my study and concentrate on making 'friends'...
p/s please help me to replace the word stupid to more precise words... thanks!