看见同学们 各忙各的
是时候 停一停
下星期presentation后 再想想
sumMEr's pOst...
- diaRy.... (681)
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Friday, March 14, 2014
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
what's the point of working hard?
my next presentation will be on this coming Tuesday
and i still haven't really start working on it
i couldn't see the point of doing it other than just to fulfil my PRP log book
and to gain knowledge
what's the point of gaining knowledge?
i used to think that with knowledge, one will gain respect
it is great to be the best, to be the top
but, now... after thinking twice.. what's the point of being the best?
after all, there will always be someone better than you
and you will be replaced and forgotten
so, what's the point for working so hard??
but then... why did i chose medical field at the first place?
why didn't i give up when i was very stress in university?
why did I hang on till now?
i want to help others.
i want to serve the community.
i want to touch others heart.
every patient deserves an up to standard treatment.
everyone deserves a proper care.
so, if i am not competent, can I give what they deserve???
for my patients, i will keep improving.
may all be well and happy always.
and i still haven't really start working on it
i couldn't see the point of doing it other than just to fulfil my PRP log book
and to gain knowledge
what's the point of gaining knowledge?
i used to think that with knowledge, one will gain respect
it is great to be the best, to be the top
but, now... after thinking twice.. what's the point of being the best?
after all, there will always be someone better than you
and you will be replaced and forgotten
so, what's the point for working so hard??
but then... why did i chose medical field at the first place?
why didn't i give up when i was very stress in university?
why did I hang on till now?
i want to help others.
i want to serve the community.
i want to touch others heart.
every patient deserves an up to standard treatment.
everyone deserves a proper care.
so, if i am not competent, can I give what they deserve???
for my patients, i will keep improving.
may all be well and happy always.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
生活再难再苦 也不是最苦
工作再多再重 也不是最重
比咋们还要苦 还要难的 多得是
不经一番寒彻骨 焉得梅花扑鼻香
没有永远的晴天 亦不会有永远的阴天
好的 坏的 一切都会过去的
现在的苦 不会是永恒的
试想想当初 为何要做这选折
想想当初 为何念书时没放弃
一路以来 都已坚持下来了
现在这点压力 难道 咋们承受不了吗?
要坚信 咋们是能的
可别忘了 当初那份热诚
日后 成功时
千万别忘记 今日的苦
得牢记 一切得来不易 要好好珍惜
日后 成功时
战友们 咋们一起加油吧!
工作再多再重 也不是最重
比咋们还要苦 还要难的 多得是
不经一番寒彻骨 焉得梅花扑鼻香
没有永远的晴天 亦不会有永远的阴天
好的 坏的 一切都会过去的
现在的苦 不会是永恒的
试想想当初 为何要做这选折
想想当初 为何念书时没放弃
一路以来 都已坚持下来了
现在这点压力 难道 咋们承受不了吗?
要坚信 咋们是能的
可别忘了 当初那份热诚
日后 成功时
千万别忘记 今日的苦
得牢记 一切得来不易 要好好珍惜
日后 成功时
千万别 让 恶 传下去
得让 爱 传出去
很多时候 只能做好自己的本分
想帮 也帮不了多少
得再一次 承认
人 不是万能的
人 能力是有限的
凡事 要量力而为
不知量力 苦了自己 苦了他人
尽力了 就好
对得起良心 对得起爱你的人 就好
其他的 想管 也管不了
身体累了 休息睡觉便可
心累了 那该如何是好?
手头上的工作 还没解决 完成
新的任务 问题 又排山蹈海的到来
除了硬撑 还能怎样?
想帮 也帮不了多少
得再一次 承认
人 不是万能的
人 能力是有限的
凡事 要量力而为
不知量力 苦了自己 苦了他人
尽力了 就好
对得起良心 对得起爱你的人 就好
其他的 想管 也管不了
身体累了 休息睡觉便可
心累了 那该如何是好?
手头上的工作 还没解决 完成
新的任务 问题 又排山蹈海的到来
除了硬撑 还能怎样?