sumMEr's pOst...

Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014

car accident

had a car accident just now :(
my car need to be repaired..
it will take about 1-2 months to repair

i feel so sorry for letting those who care about me to worry about me again
i am so sorry everyone
especially to my family members

i still don't know how to take good care of myself and make you guys worry

what a bad week >.<

the accident was quite bad..
what if i am gone?
hmm.. it's time to think about this when i have settled down.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

CDR presentation

just had a very very bad day..

"this is a very very very lousy presentation"

i didn't not perform up to the standard today
it was a terrible presentation

i just slept for only about 3 hours yesterday and the day before
and didn't ate anything since this morning

not in the shape to present

changed case last minutes

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

我 还是 我 吗?

一直以来 我都觉得 自己不够好
我承认 我不算完美 但是 我 很真


 突然觉得 我已不再是以前的我
 “真、善、美” 已悄悄的离我而去

我已不再 那么真 那么善 那么美
我 已不是 那些年的我


Saturday, January 11, 2014

这一站 你我想遇

sitting (from left): Cheah Lee Lean, Wong Shirley, How Xin Yee, Yin Yung Yan
standing (from left): Khor Lian Fen, Carol Lim (PRP Kanggar), Ang Wei Chern, Me, Ngoo Qi Han, Ng Zhi Wei, Goh Li Li

Seoul Garden, Alor Setar Mall

this is our first ever full "family photo" 

Monday, January 6, 2014

an unique patient's daughter

i met a patient's daughter today
i dispensed her mom's medications to her at OPD few months back
i could still recognise her face at cafe today
because she is just unique

she made me felt that there were not many people willing to talk to her
when i smiled and greeted her while doing RO, she smiled back happily and naively.

she treasured all the medications a lot
she would not collect medications which they are still plenty in her house
she hugged them tightly and checked if all the medications are tallied
from her attire, she might not be from a wealthy family

she is about my age..
yet, it seems like she has gone through a lot

these make me have a urge
to protect her
to support her
to care about her

i really hope that she is actually doing pretty well and enjoying her life.
just hope that i am over concerned.

this is one of the reason why i enter medical field.
-to help those who needed-
-to touch people hearts-
-to make a better day for others-

may Buddha bless her and her family.
may all be well and happy always.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

tiring week

i just had my OPD shifts
 evening shift 1/1/2014
night shift 2/1/2014
weekend shift 4/1/2014

very tiring.. but suffer today enjoy tomorrow
i get to go back every week for the rest of the month

hmm... filled PCM syrup with PCM tablets toward the end of today's shift
just too tired and can't really focus..
luckily detected before dispensed


i need more energy!!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 New Year Resolution

Work - PRP
1. Have viva within two months after each rotation
2. Do every presentation excellently
3. Remember to do all the shifts
4. Read at least 5 journals/guideline every week
5. Prepare for each rotation beforehand

Friend and Family (Travel)
1. Langkawi
2. Thailand
3. Asia

1. improve badminton skill and stamina
2. keep fit
3. learn to swim??