sumMEr's pOst...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

why am i so stupid?

rainy cmr com lab

why am I so stupid?
trust what others say without any suspicion...

why am i so stupid?
keep on playing the same game for more than a year...

why am i so stupid?
keep on repeating the same mistake...

why am i so stupid?
keep on be friend with those who keep on teasing me on my weakness...

why am i so stupid?
keep on borrowing others belonging despite being looking down by them...

why am i so stupid?
keep on putting aside my study and concentrate on making 'friends'...

p/s please help me to replace the word stupid to more precise words... thanks!

1 comment:

嘉佩 said...

i use to be like you once upon a time...i don't call this stupid...just that we haven't fully know the world while it knows us well...its like to play a game that u do not know the rules....soon i change...i evolved...but i do not become happier...i know the rules oredi...but do not show my true self when with seem like i succeed in it...but i fail...totally fail... i even lost myself...i prefer to be the one who is wat u call 'stupid'..

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